L.A.C.E. (Love and Caring Endowment)

The L.A.C.E. Fund was developed in 1997 to help with scholarships for those wanting to further their education. We use the principal each year to give out the scholarships. If there is any money left over after granting the scholarships we then offer non-profits in the community an opportunity to apply for grant money.

Our 2024 L.A.C.E. Committee is: Robin Barnes, Chris Stauersbol, Julie Hansen, Brad Larsen and Mike Imhoff.

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On Sunday, August 18, 2024 the following students were awarded $1,000 scholarships from the LACE fund during our Sunday worship service.

Olivia Imhoff – University of Wisconsin—Parkside

Austin Kechter – Gateway Technical College

Cameron Porcaro – Carthage College

Raynae Hensel – Carthage College

Alyssa Gruber –  University of Minnesota

Natalie Shawhan – University of Wisconsin

Madison Grace Schmitz – University of Wisconsin—Parkside

Margaret Fischer – Marquette University

The fund was created for awarding scholarships and any left over monies for that year would be used for non profit grants.  This year we had so many LACE Scholarship to award that we will not be doing Non Profit  Grants in 2024.